Paul Pednault

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Paul Pednault

Paul Pednault

President and CEO of SPONSORIUM International

Paul Pednault has been dubbed the «Sponsorship Evaluation Guru» by his peers.

Clients around the world have invited him to speak about his unique methodology for sponsorship evaluation. His intriguing presentations have captured the attention of audiences in Canada, USA, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific.

In addition to lecturing, consulting and presenting master classes, Paul has written and developed unique, expert software such as PerforMind™, Sponsé™, CriteriaPro™, programs dedicated to the improvement of the sponsorship industry. He has published a book on Return On Objectives, “The Story of ROO”.

Paul Pednault is endowed with clear vision and tireless dedication, attributes that have motivated many to follow his footsteps in the sponsorship world.